Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Dragon Dance during Chinese New Year 2011

On last Sunday, I went to nearby market to buy my breakfast and I saw there is performance of Dragon dance. I felt very excited as it is very rare to have dragon dance here.  Maybe it is to celebrate Chinese New Year. Oh, I really felt so happy and excited!
Dragons are legendary animals and Chinese culture believes that it will bring good luck, power, wisdom and long life. I felt so luck and so glad as able to see the performance. Dragon dance, 舞龙 (wu loong in Mandarin) is a kind of Chinese traditional performance, more commonly seen during festive season like Chinese New Year or some celebration in the temples. 

Dragon dance required team spirit as they need to coordinate so well for the performance to intimidate the movements of dragons. The challenging part is those movements need to coordinate well with the drum beat from another group of team members. Can you imagine how long they have been training for this performance? I guess it take lots of hard works. The hard works pay off, the performance is so great and successful! Too bad as my phone battery is running low, I am just able to record down part of the performance and I am here to share this with the world. Hope you enjoy watching it too.
Indeed, in real life, we need lots of team spirit in order to achieve a better task. One can do a good job but a team can accomplish a better mission!

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