Monday, May 23, 2011

Amazing "bird flower" plant - Birds grown on the plant

Have you come across this kind of plant that the flower of the plant is look exactly like a bird standing in the middle of the flower? I am not able to imagine how it look like and can hardly believe there is such a plant, until I see the real plant which my brother brought back to home. 

Look!, this is so amazing, can you notice the green color bird is just standing in the middle of the flower? Actually, it is part of the plant and grows like a bird. 

Can you spot those "birds" hiding in between those red flowers


I personally think it is almost 99% identical to a real bird, it has the feature of the head, the tail, and the wing...except there is no feature of the feather. My brother has grown this plant for about a year and he has put in a lot of effort to fertilize it and take good care of it. 

Now the plant is full with flowers with a little bird in the middle... this is so spectacular and amazing and of course our neighbors have all come over to "visit" the "bird flower" plant. This plant has become a star of our home now.

 Do you feel how amazing is the natural that there is really such an interesting plant on this planet. Maybe there are much more out there for us to discover. I ever came across an article that talk about there are some plants with fairy growing on the flower that you can even see their wings. Not sure how reliable is that information but I has not came across the real plant. Do you have something special to share too? 

If anyone of you know what is the scientific name of this plant, please leave me a comment. Would appreciate that very much.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Cook your own lunch at food court - Pepper Lunch

This is my lunch for, a dish from Pepper Lunch that served in a pre-heated iron pan. There was some butter hidden in the rice. Both the beef and egg was raw and the dish is ready to serve.

I brought the dish back to my seat in the food court and the iron plate is still hot and sizzling.
According to the instruction, I need to start to start to “cook” the dish by mixing and stirring all the ingredients on the plate as soon as possible. On top of that, I also need to add in some special sauce and continue to fry for a sometime before the dish is ready to eat! 

The taste of the “cooking” is no bad. This is another new experience for me or maybe to many others patronts. Although this dish is already in the market for quite sometime but this is the first time I ordered it.

When I first saw this dish in the food court, I joked with my husband and said that "See, maybe some of these youngster finally get a chance to cook for their own or make their own dish, maybe they feel some achievements”. It is because normally there are lots of youth and even adults are not able or do not know how to cook in Singapore. For them, it maybe a good experience as they can try "cooking their own dish" from this meal. Somehow it is fun. However, I may not want to buy the food that I need to "cook it myself" again but this meal is definitely a good experience for me.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

I came from Bentong - My Hometown

Bentong is my hometown. It is a small town in surrounded by mountains located in the state of Pahang Darul Ehsan in peninsula Malaysia. Thanks to the natural landscape in my Bentong, it is a strategic place to grow lots of plantations. There are fruits plantation, ginger plantation, palm plantation and so forth. Among the famous fruits that grown in Bentong is durian. I ever saw some stalls in other bigger cities selling durians and labeled the durians as "Bentong Durian" or "Bentung Durian".

Durian is named as "king of fruits" while mangosteen is "queen of fruits". There are many species of durian and the best type is called "Mau San Wang" (in Mandarin) or "Mao San Wong" (in Cantonese). Durian is seasonal fruits and normally is available during January and July or August. I am blessed as there are lots of durian plantations in my hometown and I am able to taste the best and the fresh durians.

Ginger is another famous plantation in my hometown. That ginger is also named as "Bentong ginger" and it is extra hotter than the normal ginger grown in other places. It is good for cooking especially Chinese do believe ginger can "expel cooling". It is useful especially to make the dishes for confinement food for new mothers, who has just delivered babies. 

There are lots of birds in Bentong too, some are glass swiftlets, and some are swallow and some swiftlets which is precious for the bird nest. However, I personally do not know how to differentiate any of those. Something to be mindful is to be careful of any droppings when you are walking on the street especially during evening time and near to any of the lamppost.

There is also a nice waterfall and natural hot spring in Bentong. Sometimes I just feel amaze how could there be hot spring as there is no volcano in Malaysia. It is something amazing and is a gift of the nature. I will introduce more about the waterfall and hot spring in Bentong sometime later.

As a residence from Bentong, I am proud to said that I am blessed as I can grown up in this peacefully nice town that full of friendly people and lots of natural resources.