Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Cook your own lunch at food court - Pepper Lunch

This is my lunch for, a dish from Pepper Lunch that served in a pre-heated iron pan. There was some butter hidden in the rice. Both the beef and egg was raw and the dish is ready to serve.

I brought the dish back to my seat in the food court and the iron plate is still hot and sizzling.
According to the instruction, I need to start to start to “cook” the dish by mixing and stirring all the ingredients on the plate as soon as possible. On top of that, I also need to add in some special sauce and continue to fry for a sometime before the dish is ready to eat! 

The taste of the “cooking” is no bad. This is another new experience for me or maybe to many others patronts. Although this dish is already in the market for quite sometime but this is the first time I ordered it.

When I first saw this dish in the food court, I joked with my husband and said that "See, maybe some of these youngster finally get a chance to cook for their own or make their own dish, maybe they feel some achievements”. It is because normally there are lots of youth and even adults are not able or do not know how to cook in Singapore. For them, it maybe a good experience as they can try "cooking their own dish" from this meal. Somehow it is fun. However, I may not want to buy the food that I need to "cook it myself" again but this meal is definitely a good experience for me.

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