Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Back to hometown or “Balik Kampong” in local language

Children or traveler that reside outside of their original home will go back to their hometown during weekends or some special event or festive seasons like Chinese New Year. I am one of those. I had to leave my hometown to further my study in other states right after I had completed my secondary education.

There isn’t any tertiary education institute in my hometown. Normally after secondary school, most of the youth will go to different places to further studies or to work in a bigger city. It is excited to explore a new place and yet it is so sad to leave the place that you were born and had grown up in. I still can remember how complicated the feeling was to “temporary” leave your home, your family members and friends, landing yourself in a whole new environment with new faces around you. That is why “back to hometown” is very anticipated by most of the “travelers”. I am definitely one of them. Especially during festive seasons like Chinese New Year, where most of the travelers will be coming back to their hometown, it is indeed a great time for gathering.

This is a great time for the family members to catch-up with each other on how they are doing and to share their individual experience when they are away from home. I feel I am more appreciated with the precious time that I could spend with my family members every time I am back in my hometown.

We should appreciate all the moments that we can spend with our family and friends as most of the time we are not with them. Thus, it is important to spend time together with your family members. I am glad that I knew about this fact and have been practicing the good habit of having “family time” with my family members.

It is time to “Balik Kampong” again! Travelers need to buy tickets to travel back home way in advance for Chinese New Year. Some even need to queue up really early in the morning long before the ticket counter is open to purchase the ticket. Fortunately, my brother is the one who help me to queue up and buy the ticket.

Thank you so much my brother!

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