Saturday, February 19, 2011

Departmental Lunch for CNY

Today, we have a departmental lunch at one of the Chinese restaurant. It is already 16th day of the Chinese New Year and it will consider as end of Chinese New Year celebration. However, we are surprise to see there is still serving Yu Sheng. And of course "Yu Sheng" is one of the dishes that we ordered. Here, I will should you the delicious "Yu Sheng" from the restaurant. It is definitely look better than that I DIY at home.
The "after Yu Sheng tossing effect" as I advise earlier, you can see there are some "Yu Shang" spilled over the table. 

Maybe it is the purpose, as we believe "Yu Shang" means surplus. So, maybe surplus and spilt over the table. This "Yu Sheng" is serving with raw fish slices as it’s named. It taste a bit fishy, hmm... but it is part of the taste of a real "Yu Sheng".

The second dish is my favourite, it is shark fin soup. Hmm, it taste so good even without vinegar and the taste is totally different when I added in vinegar. Both taste as good to me.

I saw there is a little device on the table as follow. I am not sure whether this device is working or not as one of my colleague just pressed the call button and so coincident that there is a waitress walk pass us. But it is something new and special to share here

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