Sunday, February 20, 2011

Valentines Day Dinner

We had deferred our Valentines Day’s dinner to yesterday night. I had a warm, romantic and full dinner. I even feel full by the time I went to bed. We went to have seafood. To my surprise, the Valentines Package still available for serving even after the actual Valentines Day. Maybe that is true that Valentines Day is just another special event or business opportunities to boost up their sales. 

I am wondering how many people do really understand the actual meaning behind the Valentines Day celebration. So ashamed to confess that I didn’t either know the real meaning of it.
However, I see it as another good chance to spend time together with our love ones, be it your spouse, lover, family or friends. People in the city is mostly very busy with works all the time. So it is really a good idea to have some special event to remind them to spend time with those he precious of.

Anyway, it is good that we still can enjoy the Valentines Package.
As appetizer, there is soup, seafood chowder. It tasted good, but quite fattening as I believe it contains lots of butter and cream. That is why the soup is thick and nice. 

Next on the menu is our main course, which is seafood platter. As you can see, there are variety of seafood, prawns, mussels, squids, salmons with fried rice and coleslaw. The taste is good and the serving is big. We took close to an hour to complete the full course of meal. 

The dessert is hot fudge cake with ice-dream. The cake is really hot, as it steaming in the middle. This is the favorite of my dear, he enjoyed it so much! Feel sweet inside and outside.

I enjoyed a great dinner. Thank you my dear!

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