Monday, July 4, 2011

Another interesting Plant, I named it as "Lantern Plant"

Remember I have shared about the "bird plant" not long ago that my brother is taking care of? This is another plant or flower that I find is very amazing... it is just look like a "chinese lantern" and hang all over the plants. It is nice, isn't it? I found it in a garden during my trip to Cameron Highlands, a wonderful place that full different beautiful flora.

Look at the plant and flower carefully.The flower is red in body and the bottom is yellow color. Try to compare it with the look of a chinese lantern... is it look alike? Except maybe certain type of chinese lantern look more round in body..

Is lt amazing and interesting? Well, I personally think its look almost identical except the plant is in mini size. I am not sure the actual name of the plant, please comment and let me know if you knew it.. much appreciate that!

I always have this question in my mind wondering whether these plant has evolved to imitate the actual chinese lantern or this plan already existed in the oldern days and people just imitate its look to make the lantern. I really cannot answer that, just can praise the great power of the wonderful nature.

Another flower to share is this, unknown species to me. When I first saw this flower, I feels like there are many little fairies dressed with pink and purple color dress, dancing around the plant. 

Maybe you need to use a little imagination power to see what I saw.. haha.. hmm.. maybe I "imagine" too much..Well, this is just something interesting I want to share as I think this kind of flowers are not commonly found.. in fact, this is the first time I came across this. 

I can only say that the creation of the nature is so wonderful and so great! We must take good care of our earth and appreciate it!

1 comment:

  1. The 'Chinese Lantern' Abutilon Plant is also known as Chinese Lanterns 'Variegatum' . Abutilon Plants produce lovely, bell-shaped flowers that make wonderful magnets for hummingbirds and butterflies. They are commonly called Flowering Maple or Chinese Bellflower.
