Sunday, June 26, 2011

The Growing of a Pumpkin

I like to eat pumpkin. However, I never had a chance to see how does it grow and what is the plant is like. The normal pumpkin that I saw is those at vegetable shelf in the supermarket. 

Do you know how a pumpkin plant look like and how does it grow? Previously I though pumpkin was grow on the ground as it is pretty heavy, but to my surprise the fact is not like that.   

I am so glad I have a chance to visit one of the farm at Cameron Highlands. There are many plants in the farm and I am very curious in one of the plant. There is a beautiful yellow flower attached with a small round shape yellowish-green "fruit" at the stem.

 I have been standing there looking for a long time to figure out what plan is it...Guess what, I look at another plant next to this and found this, 

 the yellowish-green "fruit" has grown a little bigger but there is no flower on top of it. I am still puzzling what kind of "fruit" it is. I am so excited and ask the owner what is that plant and she bring this out... a pumpkin.. 

Oh yes, the yellowish-green round fruit is a "baby" pumpkin. Look carefully and you will find them are identical but just a baby version. Too bad, I forgot to ask her how long it takes for the "baby" pumpkin to grow to ripe and to be harvested. Tell me if you know or I have miss out any thing here.

This is definitely a memorable experience for me to remember how the pumpkin grow from a flower to the little baby pumpkin to those I found on the shelf in the supermarket.    

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