Saturday, June 18, 2011

Another new fruits - Cameron Apple

Have you seen this kind of fruit before? I feel it looks like a mini watermelon. The name for this fruit is Cameron Apple! 

However, for me, it did not taste like apple or feel like apple at all. Not sure how the fruit is named after apple. The fruit actually is taste more like a mixture of honeydew and rock melon for me. The flesh is yellow color when it is ripe and it is seedless. 

The size of this fruit is range from 160 grams to 250 grams and some said the bigger the better. I am not sure about this but I chose those in medium size.

How to choose the nice Cameron Apple? I personally prefer those ripe and can eat right away so I will look for those in yellowish rather than greenish. It learns from experience. I have tried those greenish and it is tasteless but with a little sour and hard. 

For those in yellowish, it taste like rock melon and it is sweet. I would think that if you ever go to Cameron Highlands, you should at least try this very local fruit.

Please comment if you have ever came across any of these fruits or you want to share more about some interesting fruits that is rare.


  1. Hey there, this is actually a Pepino Melon! I just went to the cameron highlands as well, and it seems like they call it that just to make it more appealing to tourists. The bright green fruit in your picture next to it was also called "cameron apple" from some vendors. But its actually just a dyed guava... once again, for tourists. I am also interested in strange and rare fruit and am working in KL. Lots of amazing fruit on this side of the world. :D I have a video series on youtube called "weird fruit explorer" Ill be reviewing this soon.

  2. I started growing these in my garden 5 years ago, very simple to grow but be careful as the plant spreads almost like mint. 1 Sq meter plant I got 30 fruit, all a good size. Problems:- Skinks just love them when ripe so I pick and then ripen inside. In the winter the snails decimate the plant so snail pellets for me at least are needed. Very hardy almost nothing kills the plant I am on the coast on the very tip of SW Australia, Denmark

    1. Chris Howden.. I was given a cutting, the plant has grown to the size of a football, but now I have mealy bugs on it.. Any idea what to do about them, also would you know how much watering and when? And full sun, semi or shade??? Its my first attempt at growing anything and I dont want it to die from me being over zealous or it dying from an insect infestation...

    2. Chris Howden.. I was given a cutting, the plant has grown to the size of a football, but now I have mealy bugs on it.. Any idea what to do about them, also would you know how much watering and when? And full sun, semi or shade??? Its my first attempt at growing anything and I dont want it to die from me being over zealous or it dying from an insect infestation...

  3. I have these growing and let my ducks run through my vegetables patch regularly and have no snail or grub problem at all

  4. I'm in the Esperance region of WA too and they are flourishing
