Friday, June 10, 2011

Strawberry feast at Cameron Highlands

Cameron Highlands are so blessed as there are many strawberry farms around. Strawberries are one of the specialty and almost an icon for Cameron Highlands other than the rest of the fresh fruits and vegetables. I can almost see the strawberry products all over Cameron Highlands, including pillow, umbrella, slippers, soft toy and of course the fresh and dried strawberries.
I guess this is Strawberry Satay

I have the luxury to enjoy strawberry feast here. Look at the big tray of strawberries that I bought from the market. According to the hawker, these are freshly plug from the farm and of course it look fresh too. The price for strawberry that sold in the market is way cheaper than those you freshly plug from the strawberry farm.

There is a huge difference and it can be really 100%-200% cheaper!!! Try to check it out if you have time. However, it is a totally different feel and atmosphere if you have a chance to taste the strawberries that you plug from the plant in the farm. 

There are some dried strawberries in the market too. However, I do prefer the fresh one with juicy and vitamins within the fruit that I eaten. 

If you travel to Cameron Highlands, remember to try their strawberries or you can bring along yours kids to plug strawberries on their own at the farm. I am sure it would be a great fun for them.

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