Monday, August 15, 2011

Chinese Calligraphy - My name in colorful Chinese Calligraphy

Chinese Calligraphy - My name in colorful Chinese Calligraphy, and more than that is, the combination of my spouse and my name. This is something special that I never seen before. I get a piece of the artwork from . This is definitely a wonderful idea for my wedding anniversary gift. 

Both of our name blend together in the Chinese Calligraphy with beautiful and colorful drawings that form each of the words. There are a greetings or wishes on the right side of the scroll, which pronounce as "bai nien hao he" in mandarin. It means to have a blissful marriage for a hundred years (forever). 

In fact, my spouse like the gift very much. He felt so amazed with the art of combining two names in to one and is really a good symbolic for a marriage that husband and wife become one person, share the high and low in life and days to come. Cheering on the same happy event and encourage each other during the down days. 

He plan to hang this artwork in our room. Whenever there is dispute among us, we can just look back at this piece of artwork, with our name on it. It reminds us that we are always together as one no matter what happen and will work to resolve whatever dispute or challenges that we faced together. Our relationship improved and become stronger! 

I just love this piece of Chinese Calligraphy! It represent both my spouse and me are together as one. In fact, husband and wife are as one ever since they married. Both should have the same vision, same goal, same direction to achieve. Of course the common goal is to have a blissful marriage, start a family.. etc. What is your common goal with your spouse? 

Other than wedding anniversary gift, Chinese Calligraphy can be a great gift idea for all the occasion. Some people will chose to write their name or names (like myself), or some will choose to write the greetings or wishes that consist of four character words in Chinese like "bai nien hao he", or even Happy Birthday "Shen Re Kuai Le".. and so forth. It is an art, it is lively and colorful. May all the wishes that written on this piece of artwork will come true and add colors to our daily routine life. May it will brighten up days for people who are down, may this colorful chinese calligraphy paintings bring surprises to your love one and cheer them up. 

Thank you to Portrait Artist Singapore for such a meaningful and lovely gift idea!

1 comment:

  1. In Rome, Pisa, Paris and all those huge touristic cities chinese people sell them. 5 Euro and they write your name in a colorful and amazing way in just seconds! Have some by myself, love them!
