Monday, August 29, 2011

The King of Fruits - Durian

Durian is a kind of fruit that is commonly found in South East Asia especially in Malaysia and Thailand. However, the taste of durian varies in different region. There are many species of durian. Some of the famous is D24, and Mau San Wang (Mandarin). It means the king of durian. Not everyone will enjoy this kind of fruit as it has a very strong taste. I personally like durians since I was young.

Durian has green shell full with sharp thorns. Its look total different when the fruit is cut. the fruits are generally yellow in colors. Sometimes, it is orange-yellow, some is in light yellow, some is in dark yellow and some even look reddish yellow. It is all depends on the species of that plant.

The fruit can be weighted between 1kg to 3kgs depends on the species and the quality of it. Generally, the bigger the better and more tasty for the species of Mau San Wang. It has a mixture of sweet and bitter in taste. Some species might be just sweet and without the taste of bitterness. When one buy the durian, they need to inform the seller of their preference taste so that the seller can recommend the appropriate species for them.

Since Durian has a very strong taste and people will eat it with hands, so it will leave a very strong smell on the hands. Of course someone can just wash their hand with soup but there is a way to get rid of the strong smell. It is to wash your hands with the durian inner shell, which is in white color. Just put some water on the shell since it  has a shape to contain the water and then just wash your hand there.... Try out next time when you eat durian again!

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